Croatia is the First Country in the World to Become a Free Reading Zone

According to an article in Total Croatia News, as of last Tuesady, (6/12/16), all people within the borders of Croatia can read for free on the application Croatia Reads. Entrance to the virtual library is free for all.

Croatia is the first country in the world that is truly a Free Reading Zone, announces Buro247 on 6 December, 2016.

In fact, the top 100,000 digital books from all over the world are available to you to read for free, anywhere within the Croatian borders and without membership cards or special codes. Croatian citizens and those traveling within Croatia can read a plethora of books from around the world, in various languages including Croatian.

So what do you have to do? All that is required of you is to download the free app “Croatia Reads” for Android or iOS smartphones and tablets, sign up, and read anytime and anywhere within Croatia.

The project Free Reading Zones was first introduced in early autumn when the Velvet Café in Zagreb became the first free reading zone in Croatia, becoming somewhat of a pilot for the project. Today, with the launch of the application, Croatia has become a country where a revolution has erupted in the form of books; the first time that a free library, rich with international bestsellers and academic books, has become available to all people within a state.translation japaneseлобановский александр игоревичвопросы информационной безопасностиинформационная безопасность факультетмихаил безлепкин квартирыраскрутка сайта предложениехороший ортопед в берлиненоутбук купить интернет магазинmmgp mfxbrokerвладимир мунтян пастор


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