Australian-New Zeland Croatian Women in Leadership u posjeti vinariji Nikole Jukića Estate Wineries

Članice ovog društva posjetili su 7.11. 2021. poznatu vinariju koju drži obitelj hrvatskih korijena Nikole Jukića – Nikola Estate Wineries u Middle Swan koja se nalazi 40 km istočno od grada Perth.  Posebni gosti tog dana bili su Diane Erceg i Ljiljana Ravlic a skup je otvorila Franciska Roberts iz uprave Australian Croatian Women in Leadership.

Tom prilikom nastupio je hrvatski folklorni sastav iz okolice North Freemantle koji su se predstavili plesom iz Medjimurja. Dr. Diane Erceg je tom prilikom govorila o svojem 10- godišnjem radnom i životnom iskustvu na Antartici a Ljiljana Ravlic je govorila o svojim iskustvima kao ministrica obrazovanja i znanosti.

Aus-NZ Women in Leadership Was formed this year formally but the idea was initiated in 2018 by Her  Excellency Betty Pavelich Ambassador to Australia and was achieved with the assistance of Sonja Palic  in 2019 the first Croatian Women in Leadership Summit was held  in Canberra. In 2021 the Aus-NZ Women in Leadership was formed.


Today the WA group held their first event at the fabulous Nikola Estate owned by the Yukich family in the Swan Valley in the outskirts of Perth.

The group network represents diverse groups and businesses across Aust and NZ including entrepreneurs, female professionals, small business owners, women in the workforce, students and recent graduates. It was formed to connect Croatian women in the community to educate, inspire, and motivate and to support each other to achieve.

The event began with a wonderful singing performance by the Lado folkloric ensemble of WA which was formed in 1982.   Today dressed in the folkloric costume of Međimurje  complementing their performance singing songs of the region.

The ensemble has toured regional areas of WA and travelled and performed in Croatia including the famous Lisinski Dom in Zagreb.

Francika Roberts Board member for WA introduced today’s first speaker at the women in leadership event was one of our most endeared Croatian woman the Hon. Ljiljana Ravlich who was the first woman born in Croatia and from a non-English spreaking country in 1996 elected to parliament. She joined the cabinet in 2004 and served in a range of portfolios including as Minister of Education and Training. Ljiljana implemented major reforms to reduce skills shortages and strengthen the apprenticeship and traineeship system. Ljiljana served until 2015 was the Senior Minister in the Gallop and Carpenter Governments and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council.

In 2003 Ljiljanna was an establishing member of the WA Croatian Chamber of Commerce to promote friendship good will  and understanding between the business communities of WA and the Republic of Croatia. An initiative that was replicated across the states.

Second woman leader to speak today was one of our brightest Dr Diane Erceg who gave us a very interesting talk on her journey and a ten year period she spent in Antartica.

We thank all our sponsors and volunteers on making this event a great day.

Please join us to build and expand our group and create long lasting friendships and bonds.


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