Proslavljena 35. godišnjica posvete hrvatske župe ‘Gospa velikog hrvatskog zavjeta’ Blacktown: Nema predaje, samo naprijed – Krist Kralj!

Nedjelja, 22. studenog bio je doista posvećen i radostan dan za Hrvatsku župu ‘Gospa Velikgo Zavjeta’ u Blacktownu. Nije bila riječ samo oo proslavi svečanosti Krista Kralja, već i o 35. Godičnjici posvete crkve te župe, koja se dogodila 24. Studenog 1985., a posvetili su je Biskup Bede Heather iz dijeceze Parramatta I pomoćni biskup Mijo Škvorc iz Hrvatske.

Jubilarnu misu su u 11 sati koncelebrirali fra Josip Kešina, župni svećenik, i fra Darko Žnjidaršić iz slovenske kapelanije, koji je uvijek velika pomoć i potpora našem fra Josipu i cijeloj župi. Kao znak Božje prisutnosti među Njegovim narodom u ovim teškim vremenima, hrvatska je župa u Blacktownu bila u osobito posvećena i puna milosti: tijekom tri mjeseca, javne I privatne devocije Našoj Gospi povećavale su se ispunjavanjem posvećenosti Prve Subote, onako kako je tražila Naša Gospa u Fatimi. To je sad i redovit dio župnog vjerskog života, koji, Bogu Hvala, raste u brojnosti svaki mjesec.

Sunday  the 22nd November 2020 was a truly joyous occasion for the Croatian parish of ‘Gospa Velikog Zavjeta’ at Blacktown. Not only was it the celebration of the feast of Christ the King, but it was also the 35th anniversary of the consecration of the church of that parish, solemnly completed on 24th November 1985, by both Bishop Bede Heather from the Parramatta Diocese and Auxiliary Bishop Mijo Skvorc from Croatia.

The specially designated Mass for the celebration was the 11am Mass, concelebrated by Fra Josip Kesina, the parish priest, and Fra Darko Znidarsic from the Slovenian Chaplaincy, who has been a great support and help to Fra Josip and the parish. The Mass began with a reverent and moving procession of 17 men, wearing the traditional Latin altar-serving attire, and ranging in age from 8 to early 70s. Prior to corona, there were only two regular altar servers. Now, there are 18, a sign of God’s anointing on the parish, and a means of increasing the reverence of Sunday Masses  through solemn processions and the use of incense.

After the homily, the whole congregation was led in the recitation of an Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the same prayer composed and used by Pope Leo XIII in 1899, when he consecrated the whole world and the whole human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion to the Sacred Heart has been reinvigorated with a significant number of younger families within the parish enthroning Christ as King of their homes and families. The parish is now graced with one of the most beautiful images of the Sacred Heart above the Altar, thanks be to God, and to Fra Josip. The monthly men’s prayer group (Men’s Breakfast) organised and run by the Knights of the Precious Blood, consecrated themselves and the group officially to the Sacred Heart in June of this year and Enthroned Christ as King of their group.

In a sign of God’s presence with His people even amid difficult times, the Croatian parish at Blacktown has been particularly graced during the current and challenging corona time. Three months ago, public and private devotion to Our Lady increased with the observation of the First Saturday devotions, as requested by Our Lady at Fatima. This is now a regular part of parish life with participation growing monthly, praise be to God. Similarly, the parish honours the First Friday Devotion in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All people of goodwill are welcomed and encouraged to attend and participate in these devotions that were requested by Our Lord and Our Lady.

Prior to corona, the Holy Rosary was not publicly recited before each Mass at the parish. Now, not only is the rosary recited before each Mass, but the public recitation of St Michael’s Chaplet precedes each rosary so that an hour before Mass a period of devotional prayer and interior readiness for Mass is practised by the congregation. The St Michael prayer, composed by Pope Leo XIII, is recited after the rosary and after Mass. A beautiful statute of St Michael graces the front of the altar, a reminder of his powerful protection and defence against the wiles of Satan, the Church’s and Christ’s, enemy. Mass is attended well, with a range of ages present, young and old, and increasing numbers of young families. These prayerful acts of piety have strengthened the parish’s devotion and love of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


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