President Of Croatia Supports Biden’s Communist Revolution (?) In Disguise

While the world’s eyes kept themselves fixed upon the rocky American Presidential elections and its results at the same time the world had, from where I stood, experienced some of the most vicious and unprecedented attacks and insults on many who publicly expressed support for Donald Trump.  Would one be wrong in saying that, on balance of evidence, mostly pro-communists dressed up as liberals are capable of such hatred and disrespect of democracy in its inherent right given to all people to choose the politicians they admire without the fear of retribution or attacks. The Croatian President Zoran Milanovic went as far as saying that he cannot comprehend why any Croatian could support Donald Trump with Joe Biden being the alternative. He said in an interview on 9 November 2020: “That a Croat with Biden (around) can be for Trump. I can’t figure that out. And especially not from those who are declared believers and people of piety…”

Well, first of all, of course Milanovic cannot figure out why Croats would go for a patriot because he is not one except by name, nor has he ever been. When Croatia went on its way to secede from communist Yugoslavia in 1990 Milanovic was a die-hard communist who belonged to the League of Communists of Croatia who did not want an independent Croatia, a democratic Croatia – any Croatia away from communist Yugoslavia. He did not fight to defend Croatia and its Croatian people when the Yugoslav army and Serbs waged a bloody aggression against Croatia to try and stop it from becoming independent. Of course he cannot “figure out” why majority of Croatian patriots support Trump rather than Biden. His mindset is still in communist Yugoslavia.

Of course Milanovic cannot “figure out” why declared believers and people of piety would support Trump because he has never been a believer; he was a member of the Communist party that forbade its members to attend church or declare themselves as believers, or indeed, to believe. As to people of piety, Milanovic would not know what piety is if it hit him in the head. From time to time he will express some dose of emotion that reminds of piety or regret towards victims of communist or Serb bloody rampage against Croatians in the 1990’s but that fools nobody – his actions and the consistency of them only point to a lack of piety and respect for Croatian victims of Serb aggression.

Milanovic goes on with a dribble saying that Biden did a great deal for Croatia during the Croatian Homeland War but apart from hot air releases in the US Senate and a couple of finger pointing sessions against Serbs and Slobodan Milosevic as aggressors against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina Biden did nothing, absolutely nothing to actually stop the genocidal madness of Serbia against Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1999 Biden voted for a resolution that paved the way for a non-binding resolution to authorise military air operations (under NATO) against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)! But he did not move a finger in similar direction between 1991 and 1998 which were the war years and years of Serbia’s occupation of parts of Croatia during which tens of thousands of Croats were slaughtered, tortured, raped, ethnically cleansed by the hand of Serbia. So please, president Milanovic, don’t talk to me about Biden’s help to Croatia. It simply did not exist. But bombing of Serbia helped Serbia to continue whinging to the world what a victim it is while slaughtering its neighbours!

Of course Milanovic supports Biden! After all, with Biden’s presidency the communist regimes will get a new lease of life of recognition or status. A new kind of communist revolution is unfolding before our very eyes and once Biden is sworn in as President of US just follow closely if you have the guts.

Although Biden’s background doesn’t clearly point out that he is a socialist (or communist dressed up as socialist) himself, a widespread concern of many is that his election means the ascendancy of Bernie Sanders or his close pals, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other self-proclaimed democratic socialists within the Democratic Party, various Obama socialist stalwarts as well as the potential for the Democratic Party to embrace and push for socialist policies in the United States that we have seen fail elsewhere and, hence, take a lead in a wider communist revolution dressed up as socialist democracy or similar.

In his election campaign Biden never unequivocally and openly rejected either socialism, the members of his party promoting it or even members of his partly that openly sympathised with brutal socialist or communist dictators. It is known that Biden was at one point considering California’s Karen Bass, for the vice-presidential spot, despite her abundant history as an open Fidel Castro sympathiser; his eventually picked Kamala Harris who has a very liberal or leftist voting record in the US Senate! Then, Biden chooses Anthony Blinken as his Secretary of State! Wow, the transparency to a communist revolution gets “better”. Blinken a graduate of Marxist nest in the US – Harvard University – who supported the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the war against Syria, the intervention in Lybia with the consequent torture and death of US diplomat Christopher Stevens, and the elimination of Kurds. All this in the pursuit of human rights, democracy and peace. I can’t wait to see what Biden’s administration has up its sleeves to achieve not Trump’s “America First” but its “America Together”. One wonders how they plan to overcome the hurdle that some 74 million voters for Trump may present to them. They perhaps may not care and that should be seen as a huge corridor of hope for America First, eventually.

Defeating Trump required Biden to build a broad coalition among the left — including, apparently and explicitly, socialists and communists. Indications so far point to a very likely scenario that Biden will promote the socialist ideological Democratic party and Obama stalwart compatriots to senior positions into his administration and show that the time of the anti-socialist consensus has come to an end in America.

China’s President Xi Jinping wasted little time to congratulate Biden on his win even though the US Electoral College had not delivered its votes that confirm a president and in doing so he made a point of saying how under Biden relations between the US and China are set to be a “win-win cooperation”! Many younger people in the US and elsewhere in Western democracies praised this expression of approval of Biden by China, but, they were not educated to know what evil communist regimes have brought to the world slaughtering more than tenfold (China alone fivefold) of innocent people than what Hitler’s Germany did in WWII! Will Biden’s presidency also mean a continuance of blindness for justice of victims of communist crimes!?

To aid this unfolding communist revolution dressed up as liberal democracy or socialist democracy, the EU Commission and the EU Parliament, including Germany’s Angela Merkel, are falling over themselves in the race to express their utter joy for Biden’s reign. Given Brexit and Trump’s leanings towards Britain rather than EU, their gushing towards Biden is somewhat logical but only for the vengeful and the EU institutions are full of leftist vengeful deplorables. UN’s communist, sorry socialist dressed up as socialist democrat, António Guterres, with his comrade dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of WHO are likewise rubbing their hands in joy at Biden’s taking over the White House while tripping over their own feet from sheer thrill if globalists’ success.

Under Biden’s administration the sweat shops in China that stole US and other Western countries’ manufacturing for profits of the Western rich individuals are set to continue. Of course Trump’s tariffs on products made in China or the banning of Huawei or Tik Tok were not popular with China and US left wing; not popular with everyone who does not want their own country to get back on its feet and revitalize its lost manufacturing to China’s sweatshops.

With Biden’s and Obama’s stalwarts and cronies slowly filling in the White House in Washington we know that big business and some countries outside the USA will achieve even bigger harvests than ever before. But not to benefit ordinary people, voters or small countries. They will soon feel the brunt of Biden’s lead and become even bigger slaves and beggars for bread than ever before. China seems intent on absorbing the world and the greedy Western businesses over the past three or four decades who moved production to China for bigger personal profits are to blame for that.

Poland and Hungary are about the only EU countries that have come out strongly in support of Trump. That of course is in keeping in line with their anti-communist and pro-democracy, pro patriotic official stands.

Official Croatia stood behind Biden and that is a sure marker for things to get even worse in Croatia – communist/socialist ideology will become an even bigger master of people struggling to survive than it was during times of former Yugoslavia. Unless, of course, the people refuse to give this communist mindset any oxygen like Poland and Hungary have. Ina Vukic



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