On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the glorious and magnificent military-police operation “Storm”, the Croatian Film Institute presents as a gift Croatian defenders and the Croatian people with the American-Croatian documentary “Operation Storm” which can be watched here.
At the US International Film Festival, WorldFest Houston, the film won two awards, the Silver Remy Award: Nikola Knez for the direction and dr. Sc. Miroslav Međimorec and Dr. Dorothy McClellan for the screenplay. “Operation Storm” was a decisive battle of the Croatian defensive-liberating war for independence and integrity of the Croatian state in which the Croatian Army and police defeated the Serbian aggressor and with that the Greater Serbia politics pursued by the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic.
The “Storm”, launched by the Republic of Croatia in August 1995, was marked as the largest European ground military operation after the Second World War and justifiably became the crown jewel of the Croatian Homeland War. This film clearly and powerfully documents the events of this extraordinary military operation, and proves that Croatia, together with its army and generals, deserves the recognition of the world community, and possibly the Nobel Peace Prize. On the occasion of the successful completion of “Operation Storm”, the first President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Franjo Tuđman, said: “This victory does not only mean the liberation of the Homeland, but the creation of a foundation for a free and independent Croatia through the centuries to come.” In eternal memory of all Croatian veterans and a big thank you for the effort, work, courage and sacrifice they made for their homeland and enabled the birth of Croatia, a free, independent and sovereign state
Nikola Knez, director Dr. Miroslav Međimorec, screenwriter and film producers: Nikola Knez Miroslav Međimorec, PhD Dorothy McClellan, PhD Damir Radoš
Priopćenje za javnost
Povodom 25. obljetnice slavne i velebne vojno-redarstvene operacije “Oluja”, Hrvatski filmski Institut daruje hrvatskim braniteljima i hrvatskom narodu američko-hrvatski dokumentarni film “Operacija Oluja” koji možete pogledati ovdje: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKoUo8vzRnc
Na međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u SAD-u, WorldFest Houston, film je dobio dvije nagrade, Silver Remi Award. Za režiju, Nikola Knez, i za scenarij dr. sc. Miroslav Međimorec i dr. Dorothy McClellan. “Operacija Oluja” bila je odlučna bitka hrvatskog obranbeno-oslobodilačkog rata za nezavisnost i cjelovitost hrvatske države u kojoj su Hrvatska vojska i policija porazile srpskog agresora te s njim i velikosrpsku politiku koju je provodio ratni zločinac Slobodan Milošević.
“Oluja”, koju je Republika Hrvatska pokrenula u mjesecu kolovozu 1995. ,označena je kao najveća europska kopnena vojna operacija nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata i opravdano je postala krunski dragulj hrvatskog Domovinskog rata. Ovaj film jasno i snažno dokumentira događaje te izvanredne vojne operacije, i dokazuje da Hrvatska, zajedno sa svojom vojskom i generalima, zaslužuje priznanje svjetske zajednice, a moguće i Nobelovu nagradu za mir. Prigodom uspješnog završetka “Operacije Oluja” prvi predsjednik RH dr. Franjo Tuđman je rekao: “Ova pobjeda ne znači samo oslobođenje Domovine, već _stvaranje temelja za slobodnu i nezavisnu Hrvatsku kroz stoljeća u budućnosti.” U vječni spomen na sve hrvatske branitelje i velika hvala za trud, rad, hrabrost i žrtvu koju su podnijeli za svoju domovinu i omogućili rođenje Hrvatske, slobodne, samostalne i nezavisne države.
Nikola Knez, redatelj Dr. Sc. Miroslav Međimorec, scenarist i Producenti filma: Nikola Knez Dr. Sc. Miroslav Međimorec Dr. Dorothy McClellan Damir Radoš