Knights of the Precious Blood – Soldier of Christ Award 2020

Vitezovi Predragocjene Krvi Kristove, udruga katoličkih muškaraca laika iz Sydneya na svom zadnjem ovogodišnjem okupljanju u nedjelju, 6.12.2020. izabrala je svog prvog “Kristova vojnika” za 2020. godinu a to je gospodin Alec Svetko Petišić, zauzeti katolički laik i volonter. Ovo je prvo takvo priznanje i izbor koje bi trebalo prerasti u tradicionalni dogadjaj sljedećih godina a g. Svetko je uz priznanje na dar dobio “Spiritual Warfare Bible”.

Today marked the last men’s breakfast for 2020 as we begin to prepare ourselves for Christmas. A big part of today was to honour all the men that attend the monthly Men’s Breakfast, but in particular to recognise someone that has stood out to as a true soldier of Christ, someone who constantly displays the values of the Knights – Bog, Obitelj i Domovina (God, Family and Nation).

At our last meeting in October, all the men had the opportunity to nominate someone that stood out to them as a true soldier of Christ, someone who displays the values of the Knights in all that he does.

We truly believe that every single one of us is a soldier of Christ. It shows in the interactions we all have with each other, be it at the men’s breakfasts, men’s masses or various other gatherings. We had the honour of reading all the nominations, and we were inspired by what we read.

You would think after reading all the comments that you are reading the biography of saints. Well, in fact they all are. We are all called to be saints and the work that everyone puts in, does not go unnoticed, by us and more importantly by God. We all inspire each other and sadly a lot of times we don’t tell each other. So let us all make a conscious effort to let people know when they inspire us.

It’s not about bragging rights, but as saints in the making we all need some encouragement to know we are on the right path. We all struggle from time to time and kind words can never go astray. Which brings us to the Soldier of Christ for 2020, and hopefully for all eternity, Alec (Svetko) Petesic who was nominated by his peers as the Knights first “Soldier of Christ Award” recipient. Some of the comments about Svetko that we received included:

  • being fully committed to God, family and country
  • God works through him with all the people he meets/encounters
  • A man of Faith, Hope and Charity
  • Great example and inspiration

It was a tremendous moment being able to honour a true Soldier of Christ, by presenting him with one of the greatest weapons a soldier of Christ has at his disposal, a Spiritual Warfare Bible. Come and join us at the next men’s gathering where you will be truly inspired. God Bless.


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