Knez TV – Nikola Knez Globezoom … the newest TV channel series from Croatian diaspora focused on the Homeland

Welcome the new amazing TV channel Knez TV Globezoom. In both English and Croatian language contents!

The new TC channel commences with a profoundly thorough exclusive interview with Pater Galbraith, US Ambassador to Croatia 1993 to 1998, about his diplomatic activities in Croatia from 1993 to 1998.

About the Croatian Defence War and the war for independence and independence, about negotiation missions, about Serbian crimes in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, about Operation Storm, about driving a tractor, about Dayton, about President Franjo Tudjman.

Watch this TV channel for rich and meaningful perspectives and indisputable facts and truth on the building and defence of the independent Croatia as marked and contributed to by notable personalities worldwide, especially those associated with the Croatian diaspora without whom the success of the 1990’s Croatian Homeland War and peace process would not have been possible.

Thank you to Texas based Mr Nikola Knez on his dedication to Croatian truth and justice. Congratulations with this revealing interview with Peter Galbraith! Much appreciated!

I stand informed that the second exclusive interview for this new TV channel will be with historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and the third with myself as crucial activist for independence of Croatia. So proud!




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