It’s Chocolate-gate part 2

Its seems its the season for chocolate-related diplomatic incidents in south-eastern Europe.

According to Radio liberty, earlier this month, Croatia sent leading Slovenian officials — including officials in the offices of the prime minister and the president — boxes of chocolates with labels reading “Greetings from Croatia.”

But it seems the Christmas gift wasn’t appreciated when the recipients’ attention was drawn to a map on the box that showed an area disputed by the two countries as part of Croatia. Both Zagreb and Ljubljana claim the Gulf of Piran, or Piran Bay, in the northern reaches of the Adriatic Sea.

Although Slovenia claims the entire bay, the Croatian chocolate box showed the border running right through its middle.

The two countries agreed to international arbitration of the dispute in 2009 as part of Croatia’s bid to enter the European Union. But in July 2015, Croatia withdrew from the arbitration process, alleging improper contacts between an arbitration judge and Slovenian officials.

According to a Croatian news portal, the Slovenian Foreign Ministry sent all the chocolate boxes back to the Croatian Embassy in bags inscribed with the message “I feel Slovenia.”

This chocolate gift spat is the second chocolate-related incident this month after Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was forced to apologise after handing out Serbian-made chocolate to kindergarteners to mark Defenders of Dubrovnik Day on December 6. During the 1990s Balkans war, that coastal city was besieged for seven months and severely shelled by Serbian and Montenegrin forces.project cargo networkсоздание и поддержка сайтамакияж для проблемной кожи лицаноутбуки asus характеристикилобановский александркупить ноутбукповышение эффективности управления бизнес процессамибрэнд или брендTopodinДля сайта климатической техники


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