How Croatian Defense Industry Teams Up with German Rheinmetall and Turkish Baykar for UAV and UGV Development

Croatian Defense Industry Strengthens NATO with German and Turkish Partnerships in Unmanned Systems

The Croatian defense industry has recently achieved significant success through international partnerships with German and Turkish companies in the development of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles. These collaborations highlight Croatia’s technological innovation and its ability to actively contribute to advanced defense projects, demonstrating the nation’s integration into global defense frameworks.

In October 2024, Croatian company DOK-ING, a leader in robotics and counter-mobility systems, signed a strategic agreement with German defense giant Rheinmetall, one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of military technology. This agreement, signed in Berlin, aims to establish a joint venture focused on developing and producing unmanned military systems. The collaboration will include the development of new vehicles capable of various defense tasks, from reconnaissance to complex counter-mine operations—marking the first time such advanced systems are developed in partnership with a Croatian company. The first prototype, or demonstrator, is expected as early as 2025. More details on this collaboration can be found on Reuters.

Simultaneously, Croatia has also secured an important agreement in the UAV sector, this time with Turkey. Turkish company Baykar, renowned for its Bayraktar TB2 drones, has partnered with Croatian firm ORQA, specializing in FPV (First Person View) drones. This partnership enables the integration of Croatian FPV drones within the Bayraktar TB2 platform, meaning that Bayraktar TB2 can now deploy smaller FPV drones during missions. This technological upgrade grants the Bayraktar TB2 enhanced flexibility and functionality, providing it with an edge in reconnaissance and tactical operations. For more details on this collaboration, visit Defense Mirror.

These partnerships represent a significant step forward for the Croatian defense industry, which is increasingly establishing itself as an innovative and reliable partner on the international defense technology market. German and Turkish partners have recognized the quality and specialization Croatian companies bring to the unmanned systems sector, validating the value of local expertise. Beyond creating new jobs and contributing to the economy, these partnerships ensure technology transfer and professional training for Croatian engineers, boosting the competitiveness and capacity of the domestic defense industry.

This collaboration with Germany and Turkey not only positions Croatia as a relevant player in the global defense industry but also contributes to the strategic strengthening of European and NATO security structures, opening up new opportunities for future projects and further technological advancement.


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