Godišnja skupština Zaklade Hrvatskih studija

Godišnja skupština zaklade Hrvatskih studija održana je u petak 27. studenog u Hrvatskom klubu Punchbowl, uz poštivanje svih epidemioloških mjera. Iako je 2020. bila izazovna za sve nas, Zaklada Hrvatskih studija je održala visok nivo aktivnosti i ostvarila dobre rezultate.

he CSF( Zaklada hrvatskih studija) Annual General Meeting was held last night, 27.11.2020. at the Croatian Club in Punchbowl, in a first-time socially-distanced manner! Despite the year we have had, it was great to see we had a very solid turn-out to the AGM.

Generalni konzul Ivica Glasnović, na ekranu novi član Mark Matić, direktorica Hrvatskih studija dr. jasna Novak Milić

2020 has been a very challenging year for all of us. Despite this, it has been a productive year for the CSF with many initiatives launched.

Our governing council was elected for 2021, with new members and movements in positions:

– President: John Gavljak

– Vice President: Anthony Gurlica

– Secretary: Marcus Žanetić

– Treasurer: Andrew Gurlica

– Christine Klaricich

– Danijel Džino

– Marko Jakovac

– Helena Lasan

– Renata Nikoletić

– Mark Matić

– Honorary Council Members: Dr Luka Budak and Ana Bruning.

Christine has not sought election to the Treasurer’s role but will remain a member of the Governing Council. We would like to acknowledge Christine’s tireless effort over the last 18 years, hvala!

We also marked the AGM by acknowledging the retirement of Dr Luka Budak. We had planned to mark this occasion with a celebration planned earlier this year, which was cancelled due to COVID. The AGM was the first possible time that we were able to acknowledge Luka’s achievements and work. We will announce a more fitting occasion to mark Luka’s retirement in the new year.

(In the group photo: Consul-General Ivica Glasnović, on the screen new GC member Mark Matić joining us via Zoom from Zagreb, Croatian Studies Director Dr Jasna Novak Milic; missing Danijel Džino, Marko Jakovac and Helena Lasan).


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