Activities at Croatian Youth Group Brisbane leave a vast, positive public footprint

The Croatian Youth Group Brisbane was re-established in 2016 after many successful and not so successful youth groups, forming over the years since the Brisbane community’s establishment. The group was founded by current Miss Brisbane Croatia, Tea Marinov (2018/19), in an effort to create a foundation built to last for the current generation of youth to become involved in youth events as well as wider community occasions.

The Croatian Youth Group Brisbane aims to be a place and a community where other Croatian kids can enjoy the company and comfort of youth who had been raised with the same beliefs, traditions and spirit as themselves. The group is currently lead by Tea Marinov, Natalia Simic – former Miss Brisbane Croatia 2017/18 and Tomi Mesaric.

Although these three young members administrate the group and its major events, they encourage the involvement of other members to orchestrate outings and activities for the entire group to attend. Some stand out members are Mario Cukic and Billy Bajic who were valuable assets during the set up and running of the groups most recent event, the Rocklea Rave.

Over the few shorts years since its foundation the group has worked hard to improve and grow as a small tight knit community and has been successful in doing so through promoting and collaborating with the greater Croatian community.

To date they have been involved with community events such as Wet n Wild (2016), The Christmas Concert (2017), The Courier Mail world cup article interview and photoshoot (2018) Dan Drzavnosti Rucak (2018) and The Brisbane Knights season launch (2019) where the youth group donated raffles and volunteered helping hands throughout the day. They proudly help promote community events to the younger generations, such as Brisbane Knight FC game day matches, the Aus-Cro Zabava (2018) and Sveta Misa za mlade I djecu held on Sunday’s at 6:00 p.m. at 85 Henson Rd, Salisbury.

Along side the many events the group has been involved with they have been successful in the organisation of several group outings and events which include; beach days, bowling, ice skating, the PTD Party, Hey BNE Youth Party and their last event the Rocklea Rave. An event that welcomed over 80 people raising money not only for the group but the Croatian Community Centre.

On the positive momentum from their last event, they are underway with the organisation of future events. With plans on hosting a youth BBQ, game nights, movie nights and cheese & wine nights for the over 18s as well as to finish the year with their biggest and most ambitious party yet.

Check out their Facebook page at The Croatian Youth of Brisbane, to keep up to date with what they are doing and upcoming youth and community events.


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