Virtual event of Western Australian Croatian Chamber of Commerce

The Western Australian Croatian Chamber of Commerce held a virtual event last week with Don Markusic focusing on investing in Croatia and Australia. Also discussed was the ONE CROATIA initiative, bringing together thirty Croatian Diaspora organisations from Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, Japan, Slovakia, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela to provide community support for the Zagreb, Banovina region earthquakes.

Don discussed the The Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac Croatian Legacy Award for Croatians living in the Diaspora, whose selfless dedication, contribution and/or philanthropy during his/her lieftime have significantly contributed to the Croatiam community, the advancement of Croatia and the Croatian nation, and the unity of Croatians living in the Homeland and abroad presented to Marko Franovic.

Don also discussed the Parliamentary committee for Croatian’s outside of Croatia with host Adrian Alaberg and current issues and events.

Adrian and Luke discussed the mladi CRO program – helping young professionals and startups as well as the mentoring services current older members provide to the community. Great to have people across the world join the webinar – Luke Jurcevic.


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