Sydney based Croatian community donates essential items to the fire effected community of Malua Bay

A call went out to members of the Sydney Croatian Club Braca Radic community for donations of items to be driven down to Malua Bay. Malua Bay was one of the worst hit areas on the South Coast. There are many Croatian’s living in or around Malua Bay and many Croatians who regularily holiday in the area especially from Canberra and Sydney. Within 48 hours an enormous amount of items – food, baby nappies and wipes, batteries, torches, toiletries, sanitary items, toilet paper, water, long life milk etc – were donated and loaded onto transport for the trip.

Anita Batistic and Josipa Batistic (originating from Zrnovo-Korcula) drove through smoke filled roads of poor visibility for 5 hours reaching the hamlet of Malua Bay and unloading by 10.30am on Monday 6 January. They were the first load of donations to make the sleepy sea-side suburb. An extensive neighbourhood door knock was organised to let people know that there were items for people of need available. With no power or telecommunication this was the only way to get the message out.

In a then ‘cash only’ society where dozens upon dozens of people had lost their homes, and where many live pay-check to pay-check; the items donated by the Braca Radic community were greeted with tears of appreciation. Some of these people had nothing but the clothes on their backs having lost their homes, no access to money (all the ATMs were down), and lost livelihoods. The closest Coles and Woolworths supermarkets are a 40 minute drive away from Malua Bay. If you were lucky enough to have petrol in your car to get there and back; and you were fortunate enough to have cash in your wallet – you were greeted by rows upon rows of empty shelving; and any stock that started to trickle in was instantly depleted.

Anita and Josipa were asked over and over again to extend appreciation to the Braca Radic community for their donations from the residents of Malua Bay.

This should be the busiest time of year for the wider Batemans Bay community. Anita said ‘Batemans Bay is now a ghost town and many businesses who rely on tourism will really struggle to survive. One thing you can do now is to call, book and pay a deposit for your next family holiday or weekend away. Batemans Bay and the entire south coast is a beautiful region in which to visit in autumn. Show the community your support – and bring and empty esky with you – buy local’.

If you are nearby Malua Bay on holiday, please consider supporting the Croatian Club by visiting Saturdays or Sundays 1-5pm for a drink and a chat to the local Croatian community. This is a small friendly club built by the Croatian community in the early 90s and run by a dedicated committee. The ‘Eurobodalla Croatian Association Boche Club’ is located at 587 George Bass Drive, Malua Bay. The club is set back off the main road – you’ll find it at the end of the street that winds up pass the Malua Bay tennis courts. The club survived the fires and also needs our support.


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