Umro je Mirko( Michael) Furjanić

Rodjen u Loviću, Vivodina 1.11.1936., umro iznenada u kući 29.11.2018.



It is with great sadness that we note the passing yesterday of past player, parent and grandparent of players, president, patron and life member of Glenorchy Knights FC, Michael (Mirko) Furjanic.

Over 60 years ago Michael helped establish our club and he has been there through the highs and lows ever since. His legacy for our club is so monumental it is hard to put into words.

Michael as a player in the late 1950’s

Michael was our club patron from 1997 to 2012 and he sponsored Tasmanian football through the Michael Tailors Cup in Hobart for 12 years. Through our sport, he has proudly forged the Croatian identity and was awarded an OAM in 2001 for his contribution to the Croatian community in Tasmania.

Michael also made a significant contribution nationally by starting the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia (CSAA) in 1974 serving as its President for 15 continuous years. He was instrumental in creating the first Croatian Soccer Tournament in Sydney which is still going strong 44 years later. Anyone that has been to a tournament will appreciate the wonderful celebration of football and all things Croatian that it represents. Michael also created the Miss Croatia pageant which is held in conjunction with tournaments and organised tours of teams to and from Canada and the United States. Michael was made President for Life of the CSAA in 1989 and was inducted into the CSAA Hall of Fame in 2015.

Glenorchy knights

Michael and his family can be very proud of his achievements for the Croatian and football community in Tasmania, Australia and around the world. His drive, support and passion for football and our club is not only outstanding but inspiring. And of course he loved a chat – he will be missed.

Our deepest sympathies to Suellen, Paul, Anita, Robert and their families and to Michael, we thank you dearly for all your hard work and support – Počivaj u miru.

Sprovod je bio 7.12.2018, a u 1pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Harrington Street, Hobart održana je sveta misa zadušnica.


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