NATO & US firm support for Croatia

According to Vedran Pavlic, writing Total Croatia News, NATO and the United States want to continue to stay involved and present in Southeast Europe and contribute to its stability, said Croatian Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier after a meeting of the Partnership Commission of the US-Adriatic Charter in Zagreb last week.

The meeting discussed the current political situation in Southeast Europe and the ongoing security challenges faced by the countries of the area, such as hybrid threats, terrorism, and other threats we need to face together, said Stier.

The US-Adriatic Charter is an initiative established in 2003 in order to promote Euro-Atlantic integration in Southeast Europe, with the ultimate goal of helping member states enter NATO.

The meeting in Zagreb, said the report, was attended by a representative of the United States, and foreign ministers of Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia.палатки ценызубные протезыlegal interpretationпроверит доменрейтинг сайтов googleдетский хоккей купитьОбучениепаркет монтажкупить ободок девочкекорректор консилер


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