Croatian Folklore Costume Culture in the Diaspora

I am taking a break from writing and blogging until early November, and I wish to thank you all for supporting me and visiting this website. I cherish the many ways feedback on my articles arrives to me and look forward to reconnecting with you after my break, part of which will be a self-imposed but deserved holiday.

Although I may post an article or two during my break for your enjoyment I do wish to present here a series of photographs of children of Croatian descent (and adult ladies from the homeland of Croatia), born to second, third, fourth generation émigrés, dressed in a number of Croatian folkloric costumes I have come across living in the Croatian diaspora and staying connected to it across all the continents.  I trust you will like these photographs especially because they emanate love for tradition and culture of proud ancestors. These costumes are an aspect of Croatian identity and belonging – the feelings all human beings seek and establish as permanent rudder through life.  

The captivating realm of folkloric dress, particularly children, singing and dance have enormous importance in preserving cultural heritage, and I am particularly partial to the Croatian ones. Folklore has a prominent place in Croatian culture. It serves as a living history that preserves traditions, stories, and rituals for generations. Through folklore costumes, handmade by mothers, grandmothers, friends, community heritage teachers, with much labour and creative genius fed through by both written and oral histories Croatians connect with their ancestors and the way of life they once knew. This is a part of living that is resistant to changes that keep emerging in the world that surround us. It is guarded jealously and steadfastly, and I am so grateful for the children who embrace the traditions of their ancestors. Thank you to all the children, to all their parents and grandparent and great grandparents, to all the folklore singing and dancing teachers and their helpers I have met, and those I have not met, in my many years enjoying the folkloric delights such as these here.  I never cease to be captivated by the strength and beauty and pride such pursuits keep bringing into my life. Enjoy! Ina Vukic


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